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Find out how DocuSign helps nonprofit organizations run better


Sign documents anywhere from any device

A couple of taps on your iphone or iPad and you’re done.

No overnighting, faxing or waiting

Email documents for instant signature and return.

More secure than paper

Documents are encrypted and a complete audit trail is maintained.

Nonprofit organizations use DocuSign and they love it!

Businesses chose DocuSign to electronically sign and request signatures on all the documents that keep their business growing, including:


"DocuSign has saved us countless hours of internal labor. We used to spend so much time converting our contracts and credit card forms to PDFs, emailing and then waiting for our clients to print and fill out by hand, with the hopes that there is a fax or scanner nearby. With DocuSign, we bypass all the paper processing delays and create a better experience for our clients."

Ross Andrew, CEO at Maropost

"DocuSign has been a tremendous resource for our startup. With a small team, making efficient use of our time and closing sales quickly is critical. DocuSign has streamlined our process; we now turn-around sales contracts in half the time we used to. We can`t imagine running our sales process without it."

Lara Aldag, Co-Founder, CEO at Higgle
  • Applications
  • Legal Documents
  • Master Service Agreements
  • Grant Approvals
  • Intake Forms
  • Purchase Orders
  • Donation Requests/Fundraising
  • Disclosures/Waivers
  • Tax Filings

Don’t let paperwork slow you down.

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